
Delvick Pizarro - Peru

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Delvick is a Risk Analyst from Peru who joined OCEANS after his exchange semester in Vienna in 2022.

Dimas Arif Prassetyo - Indonesia

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Dimas Arif is from Indonesia and is currently working at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang , as the International Coordinator for Erasmus+. Dimas joined OCEANS Network in 2017.

Donaldson Chima Ofoha - Nigeria

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Donaldson is a lecturer from Nigeria in the University of Nigeria. Donaldson joined OCEANS Network after his mobility programme in the University of Valladolid (Spain) in 2019 and is a former Board member.

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Evelina Simanaviciute - Lithuania

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Evelina is from Lithuania, currently residing in the Netherlands, and is a former OCEANS Network Board member. Evelina joined the Network after her mobility programme in South Korea in 2013.

Lineekela Shipiki - Namibia

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Lineekela is a teacher from Namibia who joined the OCEANS Network in 2022. She has a degree in political science from the University of Namibia and is an Erasmus alumnus.

Tatiana Pozdnyakova - Russia

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Tatiana is a cartographer from Moscow, currently studying an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s degree in Austria. Tatiana joined OCEANS Network in 2020 after an exchange semester in Bulgaria.

Vitória Cunha Cabral Da Silva - Brazil

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Vitória is a student from Brazil who is finishing her degree in international relations at the Paulista University. Her mobility programme took place in the University of Salamanca (Spain).

Gabriele Armao – Italy
Mobility, USA 2008/09

Joining Oceans Network is the best way to keep exchanging your ideas and experience, after your exchange has come to an end. Oceans Network initiatives allowed me to get in touch with like-minded people, expanding my personal network and, of course, also my friendship network.

Uswa Alhamid – Indonesia
Erasmus, Czech Republic 2015/16

Making big life changes can be pretty scary. But, you know what is even scarier? Staying in your comfort zone: it's a beautiful place but nothing will ever grow there. So, I made the best choice to step forward and here I am: part of OCEANS Network.

Julia Rittershaus – Germany
Mobility, Canada 2009

Going abroad on exchange forces you to leave your comfort zone and broaden your horizon. Being part of OCEANS is the favourable continuation of this. With all its like-minded members, it feels like having family all over the globe. Even today, years after my exchange and building a career, every interaction inspires me - personally and professionally.

Scott Darby – UK
Erasmus, USA 2013

I joined OCEANS to connect with others studying abroad. At OCEANS I found like-minded people who have supported me in my travels, my studies and helped me grow as a person. Studying abroad can be hard and OCEANS helps make it easier and I'm keen to support other exchange students as I have been supported.

Jessica Slattery – USA
Mobility, Estonia/Poland 2010/12

I strongly believe in the transformative power of immersive international experiences and global dialogue on a human level. When lives are transformed through international experiences, these transformed lives can change the world.

Alfredo Ciccarelli – Italy
Mobility, USA 2008/09

Every time I take part in an OCEANS event, every time I meet people from OCEANS, every time I talk to my OCEANS friends... I feel like an energetic, stimulating and positive wave has caught me.

Hans Kevin Madanguit – Philippines
Mobility, France 2011/12

It is essential to have a welcoming and safe space of reintegration right after a mobility abroad in order to resettle and get back in our home community with a positive attitude and healthy mindset. And that's what OCEANS gave me