We are pleased to introduce you to our network of partners. These groups share with us common goals and objectives, which we seek to fulfill through common activities and join effort.

ESAA is an umbrella organisation that brings together the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA), Erasmus Student Network (ESN), garagErasmus (gE) and OCEANS Network.
ESAA brings together all European Union funded exchange students and alumni and offers a dynamic platform for networking, professional development and intercultural learning while promoting European Higher Education and worldwide cooperation.
Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA)

The Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association is one of the main partners of the OCEANS Network. EMA was established in 2006 at the initiative of the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. The Association is driven by the students and alumni of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programmes (EMJMD) on a voluntary basis. EMA is a non-profit organisation that offers an international professional and personal network.

GaragErasmus was born in 2012 in Italy and its main aim is to aggregate and empower over 3 million people of the Erasmus Generation to boost work mobility and the circulation of ideas in Europe. It coordinates its activities with the European Commission and it's gonna contribute with crowd funders, incubators and recruiters to offer concrete possibilities to the Erasmus generation for startup and job placement.
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

ESN was born on the 16th October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchange. It works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing the student exchange from different levels and providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad ("internationalisation at home").